Vindecarea cancerului cu ultraviolete, H2O2, etc.

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Vindecarea cancerului cu ultraviolete, H2O2, etc.

Mesajde mszavai » Vin, Feb 05 2016 12:52 am


De-a lungul vietii, corpurile comunica cu noi in permanenta, aratandu-ne dezechilibrele de care sunt afectate. Cei care alegem sa primim aceste mesaje, continuam sa cautam raspunsuri si solutii la aceste dezechilibre. Cei care insa aleg sa 'nu simta', cu alte cuvinte aleg calea indiferentei si a lipsei de responsabilitate, apeleaza la droguri - sub denumirea lor moderna de 'medicamente'.

In societatea omului 'modern' drogurile, chimioterapia si radiatiile nucleare, la fel si amputarea diverselor parti ale corpului sunt considerate 'normale' si 'benefice'.

In realitate, raspunsul la problemele de sanatate este cat se poate de simplu - Dieta Ancestrala.

Pentru a intelege ce este boala, aceasta trebuie abordata la nivel multidimensional. Asa dupa cum explica George Kavassilas, Corpul Uman este un fractal al intregului Univers. Aceasta inseamna ca fiecare celula, molecula, atom, fiecare microorganism din corpul nostru este de fapt o entitate de sine statatoare, reprezentant al unui 'coltisor' din acest vast Univers (fiecare celula este o galaxie, fiecare molecula este o nebuloasa, fiecare atom este o constelatie, corpurile noastre fiind in realitate Universuri). Metaforic, George spune ca fiecare dintre noi suntem regi si regine peste aceasta imparatie care o reprezinta Corpul Uman. Fiecare dintre noi suntem responsabili pentru miliardele de fiinte care ne alcatuiesc corpurile.

Intelegand profunzimea si complexitatea acestui adevar, mai puteti privi cu indiferenta la dezechilibrele de care suferiti? Mai puteti alege calea 'convenientei', a iresponsabilitatii, atunci cand alegeti sa va distrugeti sistematic 'slujitorii' fideli'? Sa ii intoxicati? Sa ii radiati? Sau chiar sa ii eliminati in totalitate? Si care sunt repercusiunile pe care aceste actiuni ale voastre le au asupra Existentei voastre Universale, v-ati pus aceasta intrebare?

Cum credeti ca puteti duce o viata echilibrata intr-un corp aflat intr-o continua stare de stres si lupta? Ce se intampla de fapt cand un corp este invadat de un parazit? Parazitii sunt anaerobi, deci au nevoie de un mediu lipsit de oxigen pentru a se dezvolta. Cand un parazit patrunde in corp, acesta va injecta gazda cu o substanta chimica, nociva care ii va permite sa se instaleze in 'noua casa'. Ce este de fapt acest chimical emis de parazit? Este o 'parte' a sa, cu alte cuvinte are aceeasi frecventa/ vibratie ca si parazitul, iar imprastierea chimicalului in 'noua locuinta' va modifica frecventa 'gazdei' si o va aduce la o frecventa mult mai apropiata de cea a parazitului, care sa permita existenta acestuia. Pe tot parcursul acestei relatii de dependenta, parazitul va continua sa elibereze aceste chimicale/ otravuri care vor induce tot mai mult haos in vibratia armonioasa a organismului.

Sanatate = armonie/ echilibru
Boala = dezechilibru/ haos

Interesant este ca mama mea, inainte de a incepe terapia cu H₂O₂, a avut un vis in care se facea ca multi barbati straini au intrat in casa in care se afla ea, s-au instalat pe niste scaune si au inceput sa fumeze atat de mult (parca era o 'conferinta de fumat' a spus mama), atfel incat tot mediul a devenit toxic pentru cei care locuiau in casa.

Si eu am avut astfel de vise in timpul curelor de dexintoxicare. Am visat spre exemplu ca multi straini barbati si femei veneau in casa, neinvitati, umpleau camerele 'de la perete la perete' si se apucau sa dea petreceri, facand foarte multa mizerie peste tot in casa. Cand incercam sa ii dau afara, spunandu-le ca e timpul sa plece, ei nici nu ma bagau in seama si isi continuau 'dezmatu'. Eu ii amenintam ca voi chema politia, luam telefonul sa sun la politie, dupa care mi-aduceam aminte ca nu ma pot baza pe 'sistem' si ca imi pot face singura dreptate.

Cand am inceput terapia aceasta, am visat ca ma aflam cu sotul meu intr-un tren, a venit un barbat foarte impunator, viclean si 'uns cu toate alifiile', care fara sa ne dam seama ne-a furat bagajul situat deasupra noastra. Eu l-am vazut plecand si am recunoscut haina sotului, am strigat: "Politia, Politia", mi-am reamintit ca politia nu e de mare ajutor si m-am dus si l-am infruntat direct pe acest barbat si am luat inapoi ce era al nostru.

Odata ce chimicalul toxic emis de parazit ajunge in sange, acesta va fi raspandit in intregul organism, astfel incat fiecare celula a corpului este afectata.

In concluzie, datorita parazitarii, nu numai ca murim deshidratati si malnutriti (parazitii impiedica hidratarea, nutritia si excretia corecta a celulelor), dar murim intoxicati si asfixiati.





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Mesajde mszavai » Vin, Feb 05 2016 1:13 am


Vindecarea cancerului

Pentru cei care aveti cancer si doriti sa va vindecati, trebuie mai intai sa intelegeti ce este de fapt cancerul. Pe langa faptul ca este un fungus, cancerul este si produsul/ rezultatul multor factori de stres la care este supus organismul.

In tratarea cancerului, trebuie sa tineti cont si de urmatorii factori care duc la dezvoltarea acestuia:

  • cantitatile uriase de otravuri acumulate in urma alimentatiei total necorespunzatoare-speciei, bazate pe plante (zaharide), ce produc distrugeri colosale in organism!

  • metale grele: alimente si bauturi, vase de gatit, plombe dentare (mercur), vaccinuri

  • obturatii de canal - Radacina dintelui sanatos este deschisa, fiind strabatuta de nervi si vase de sange. In obturatiile de canal, nervul este extirpat iar radacina cimentata/ inchisa. Astfel, dintele mort devine un focar extraordinar de infectie, rezultatul fiind putrezirea osului. Fungusul predominant ce se dezvolta in canalul obturat al dintelui mort este Candida albicans

Asa dupa cum am mai spus, sanatatea reprezinta starea de armonie a organismului, iar boala - starea de haos si dezechilibru. Pentru restabilirea armoniei in organism recomand:

De asemenea un stil de viata activ. Recomand exercitiul aerobic:

Pe plan spiritual, va recomand sa abordati o atitudine responsabila, sa va reamintiti ca toate experientele pe care le aveti au fost create chiar de voi - Fiinta Infinita care sunteti - sa va asumati raspunderea pentru boala de care suferiti (este a voastra!), sa o cuprindeti cu intreaga voastra Fiinta, sa ii multumiti, sa o aduceti in Inima si sa o eliberati pentru a putea fi transformata in Lumina.

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Membru din: Mar, Iul 12 2005 1:38 am

Mesajde mszavai » Vin, Feb 05 2016 1:26 am


Motivul pentru care apa oxigenata da rezultate extraordinare in vindecarea cancerului si a multor altor boli este pentru ca oxigenul pe care il contin reuseste sa penetreze peretele celulelor canceroase (cancerul este de fapt un fungus - candida) si a altor celule parazitare (fungi, virusuri, bacterii, radicali liberi) si atunci corpul reuseste sa le atace.

In timp ce alte substante reusesc sa distruga bacteriile, fungii raman neafectati si continua sa se multiplice si sa intoxice organismul pentru a castiga cat mai mult control asupra corpului.

In timp ce microorganismele benefice din organism sunt aerobe (au nevoie de un mediu oxigenat pentru a se dezvolta), parazitii de orice fel sunt anaerobi (au nevoie de un mediu lipsit de oxigen pentru a 'prinde radacini' si a se multiplica).

Terapia cu H₂O₂


Terapia cu apa oxigenata se face in modul urmator:

  • Se foloseste H₂O₂ concentratie 35% grad alimentar (fara stabilizatori si alti aditivi) care se dizolva in 200 - 220 ml apa, astfel incat concentratia de H₂O₂ devine 3%. Solutia astel rezultata se ia de 3 ori pe zi, de preferinta pe stomacul gol.

  • Se incepe de la 3 picaturi/ de 3 ori pe zi si se adauga progresiv cate o picatura pe zi, pana se ajunge la 25 picaturi/ de 3 ori pe zi, dupa care se intrerupe terapia.

Daca pe parcursul tratamentului procesul de vindecare devine prea intens, se revine la numarul de picaturi folosit in ziua precedenta si se mentine acest numar de picaturi pana cand procesele scad in intensitate, dupa care se reia tratamentul conform indicatiilor.

Trebuie tinut cont de varsta persoanei, de starea de sanatate a corpului si de greutate (cu cat o persoana este mai supraponderala, cu atat corpul este mai plin de otravuri).


H₂O₂ concentratie 35% se dizolva in apa (200 - 220 ml) pentru a obtine H₂O₂ concentratie 3%.

Personal, prefer sa iau 15 - 25 picaturi de H₂O₂, in timpul mesei, sau dupa masa. In felul acesta se evita starea de 'greata' sau 'ameteala' experimentata atunci cand H₂O₂ se ia pe stomacul gol.

In Viata, este foarte important sa urmam, pe cat posibil, CALEA DE MIJLOC A ECHILIBRULUI.

Eu cumpar H₂O₂ concentratie 35% grad alimentar direct de la unul dintre producatorii nationali Pure Health Discounts de unde se aprovizioneaza si farmacille. Produsul lor nu sta in depozit mai mult de 7-14 zile de la data de fabricatie, este bineinteles imbuteliat in plastic (din pacate), dar imediat ce l-am primit il transfer in sticle de sticla inchise la culoare pe care le pun intr-un loc intunecat si racoros.

Oxigenul din apa oxigenata se descompune in contact cu lumina. De asemenea, nu este recomandat ca H₂O₂ concentratie 35% sa fie dizolvat in prealabil in apa, deoarece mineralele din apa duc la descompunerea atomului de oxigen. Dizolvarea se va face chiar in momentul in care se foloseste solutia.

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Tratamentul cu apa oxigenata metoda lui Bill Munro

Mesajde mszavai » Vin, Feb 05 2016 1:26 am

Bill Munro (March 19,1924 - January 2014) vorbeste despre modul cum s-a vindecat de cancer de prostata si melanom folosind H₂O₂. Doctorul ii spusese bineinteles ca trebuie sa faca chimioterapie.

Bill a folosit H₂O₂ grad farmaceutic (contine stabilizatori si metale grele) concentratie 3% (concentratia la care H₂O₂ se gaseste in farmacii in America). Folosind o sticluta de spray nazal pe care o umplea cu H₂O₂ 3%, el pulveriza apa oxigenata in gat. 10 pulverizari/ de 7-8 ori pe zi timp de 4 luni, dupa care a scazut la 5 pulverizari/ de 7 ori pe zi. Bill exemplifica aceasta metoda in video-ul de mai jos.

El spune ca dupa 6 zile melanomul a disparut, iar cand a mers din nou la doctor, acesta i-a spus ca nu mai are cancer si sa revina peste 6 luni pentru a fi din nou testat.

Bill spune ca folosind aceasta metoda cancerul se vindeca intr-o luna, insa tratamentul trebuie continuat timp de patru luni. Bill Munro a trait pana la varsta de 90 ani, spune ca a fost foarte activ si nu a luat nici un fel de medicamente sau vitamine.

ARTICOLE (engleza)

Hydrogen Peroxide to heal Prostate Cancer - Bill Munro
Hydrogen Peroxide to heal Prostate Cancer - Bill Munro

Bill Munro (March 19,1924 - January 2014) from Waterford, Michigan writes, "I have been inhaling 3% peroxide for over 13 years. And had a bout with Melanoma and Prostate cancer at the same time. At no time would I let anything like a salve be on my open Melanoma because that would take away the oxygen needed to heal from the outside. The peroxide I inhale would supply the oxygen on the inside. I increased the times that I inhale the peroxide into my mouth to 7 or 8 times a day. I used a nasal spray pump. With each inhale I would pump the pump about 10 times. This went on for four months. I now pump 5 times with each inhale and 7 inhales every day. My PSA blood tests say I am clean now."

Bill believes that you need to give the peroxide at his dosage (5 pumps, 6 times a day) 2-4 weeks to see results for viruses that have been in the bloodstream for some time (ie., lingering viruses). Cancer takes about a month, but you would need to continue the therapy for 3-4 months. Apparently any and all viruses cannot survive in an oxygen enriched environment. If you try Bill's technique for cancer, general health, sore muscles, etc., please let us know how it goes. We don't know unless you tell us! Thanks.

Source: Earth Clinic

Hydrogen Peroxide is the most over looked chemical used by man. New uses of it are coming to light every day. Bad bugs be they, in your garden or your body, they cannot live in an oxygen rich environment.

At 69 years old my muscles were so tight that to get out of bed I would lay on my stomach and back out on to the floor, push down on the bed and stand up. I knew there was something to correct this bad situation. One morning while having coffee with a friend, I noticed he had brought a small stack of books with him. Being curious, I asked if I could look at the books. The one that stood out to me was "O2xygen Therapies".

As I was scanning it, it became more interesting to me. I asked him if I could take it home. It was a week before returning the book. Being convinced Hydrogen Peroxide was what I was looking for, it was now going to into my system? The book gave three choices. Put 8 to 10 drops in an 8 oz cup and drink it, four times a day. Next was, put a pint of 35% in the bathtub and soak for 1 hour once a week. Or go to a doctor for intravenous infusion once a week. None of these had any appeal to me.

After a week or two I decided that the easiest, and most efficient way was to inhale the 3% peroxide into my mouth and on into my lungs. I just happened to have a “Nasal Spray Pump” (see sample picture below). I dumped the contents out, put in the 3% peroxide as it comes from the drugstore. Now, how many times do I pump? I settled for one pump per inhale, and 4 times a day. That went on for about a month. As I was laying down for a short rest, I noticed that I was breathing freely. No forced inhale or exhale. That was the first thing that I noticed while inhaling the peroxide. I then changed the time when to inhale the peroxide. Now I inhale 2 times in the morning and at night. While deep inhaling I pump the pump as many times as I can, usually 8 to 10 pumps each inhale. Another thing I noticed was, I sleep all night with my mouth closed. I used to have heart aches that were very uncomfortable, no more.

[Note from Ken Adachi: Bill uses drug store brand 3,5% hydrogen peroxide (which contains stabilizers and metal contaminants) and there's no question that it saved his life when he was given a terminnal Exit Slip by his oncologist many years ago, but it's far WISER to obtain 35% Food Grade hydrogen peroxide and dilute it down (with distilled water) to 3.5% and inhale that, rather than pharmacy brand hydrogen peroxide]

Bill Munro demonstrating how he inhales H2O2 using a nasal pump sprayer

My wife and I have been inhaling peroxide for 9 years now and no colds, sore muscles, aches or pains. I take no medication or vitamins. I am less than two years to 80 years old. My lungs don’t give out when I work in my garden or other things around the house. My house is 160 years old, so the work never stops. Peroxide keeps our oxygen blood count in the high 90’s.

One of the first people that used the peroxide as I do was very interesting. He had a low self-esteem. I found out that he was on kidney dialysis. I discussed the peroxide several times with him. Finally one day I went to his house with a nasal spray pump. He opened it and poured out the contents and filled it back up with 3% peroxide. He sprayed it in to his mouth and into his lungs. I said you know how to do it, and I left. Three days later I called him to see if anything had happened. He said that he could breath easier. Four days latter he called me, he was so excited all he could say was “It’s working, It’s working". I asked "What did it do?". He said he was waking up about an hour and a half before normal and that he was coughing up all the bad stuff that was in his lungs. He went back to bed and when he woke up, he said he had not felt that good in years. From that time on his spirit was always good and his voice was up beat.

A couple of people told me after four or five years of using the peroxide they stopped. I ask why and both said they did not get sick, and they don’t think it was working. You can make that judgement. One friend of ours goes to the doctor for pacemaker check ups and the doctor tells him the peroxide will not help him but it will not do him any harm. He is using his second pacemaker. He has told me several times; if it were not for his inhaling the peroxide he would not be here today.

Nasal Pump Use

The nasal spray pump plays a big part in my use of peroxide. I use it to propel the peroxide into my lungs by spraying it into the back of my throat. I also spray my toothbrush to clean my teeth, to clean my glasses, spray minor cuts and scrapes, and wet postage stamps. Peroxide can be used as an aftershave tonic. Spray it on your face and rub it in. BE SURE you close your eyes when you spray your face. It will be uncomfortable if you don’t. Peroxide may be a factor in retarding aging.

I have an additional nasal pump that is full of distilled water and I use it to flush out my eyes when they feel a little dry. I spray my eyes and let the water drain down my cheeks. I wipe the water off my cheeks only, with a tissue. There are no chemicals in distilled water.

I think in the future many of the prescription drugs will come in a spray pump. Several do now but we will be seeing more. This allows the drugs to start to work instantly. They will go right into your system and not have to ward off the acids in your stomach. They can be easily dispensed almost anywhere.

By Bill Munro
October 14, 2005

How I Stopped Prostate Cancer by Inhaling Hydrogen Peroxide Using a Nasal Spray Pump

In the summer of 2004, I had a physical and my doctor said I had cancer and he would set up a schedule for Chemotherapy. I told him I didn't have the time for that, I was very busy. In the middle of November the cancer came to life, big time. I knew what to do. I have been researching hydrogen peroxide v. cancer for several years.

I inhale the peroxide into my mouth and on into my lungs. I stepped up taking from 2 inhales in the morning and 2 at night, to 8 or 9 inhales through the day and pumping the pump 10 times. This brought up the oxygen in my blood. A virus cannot live in an oxygen rich environment.

Six days later there were no signs of cancer and I was clean, with no scars or blemishes. I kept up the 8 or 9 times per day with the 10 pumps until the middle of February of 2005. I went back to my doctor for more blood test and he told me not to come back for 5 or 6 months.

This was much better than Chemotherapy. I had no discomfort or side effects. I am eighty one years old and feel like I am forty five.

My maintenance schedule is 6 or 7 inhales per day, with 6 or 7 pumps each inhale. The only medication "if you want to call it that" is the 3% hydrogen peroxide that I get from the drug store.

Inhaling hydrogen peroxide is the strongest, least expensive, fastest to ingest, most reliable to kill all "viruses", and can be purchased all over the world.

I have no special diet. My wife is a very good cook and makes some good meals and deserts.


The Many Benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide - Dr. David G. Williams
The Many Benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide - Dr. David G. Williams

Posted July 17, 2003

When it comes to hydrogen peroxide therapy there seems to be only two points of view. Supporters consider it one of the greatest healing miracles of all time. Thaose opposed feel its ingestion is exceptionally dangerous, and only the foolhardy could think of engaging in such behavior. Before either condemning or endorsing hydrogen peroxide, let's take a real close look at what we're dealing with.

If any substance is interesting, it's hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide should really be called hydrogen dioxide. Its chemical formula is H2O2. It contains one more atom of oxygen that does water (H20). By now everyone's aware of the ozone layer that surrounds the earth. Ozone consists of three atoms of oxygen (03). This protective layer of ozone is created when ultraviolet light from the sun splits an atmospheric oxygen molecule (02) into two single, unstable oxygen atoms. These single molecules combine with others to form ozone (03). Ozone isn't very stable. In fact, it will quickly give up that extra atom of oxygen to falling rainwater to form hydrogen peroxide (H202). (Bear with me: all this chemistry mumbo jumbo I'm going through actually will help you understand the importance of hydrogen peroxide.)

Helps Plants

It is this hydrogen peroxide in rainwater that makes it so much more effective than tap water when given to plants. With the increased levels of atmospheric pollution, however, greater amounts of H202 react with air-borne toxins and never reach the ground. To compensate for this, many farmers have been increasing crop yields by spraying them with diluted hydrogen peroxide (5 to 16 ounces of 35% mixed with 20 gallons of water per acre). You can achieve the same beneficial effect with your house plants by adding 1 ounce of 3% hydrogen peroxide (or 16 drops of 35% solution) to every quart of water you give your plants. (It can also be made into an excellent safe insecticide. Simply spray your plants with 8 ounces of 3% peroxide mixed with 8 ounces of white sugar and one gallon of water.)

Hydrogen peroxide is odorless and colorless, but not tasteless. When stored under the proper conditions, it is a very stable compound. When kept in the absence of light and contaminants, it dismutates (breaks down) very slowly at the rate of about 10% a year. (This can be slowed even further by storing the liquid in the freezer.) It boils at 152 degrees C and freezes at minus 2 degrees C.

When exposed to other compounds hydrogen peroxide dismutates readily. The extra oxygen atom is released leaving H20 (water). In nature oxygen (02) consists of two atoms--a very stable combination. A single atom of oxygen, however, is very reactive and is referred to as a free radical. Over the past several years, we've continually read that these free radicals are responsible for all types of ailments and even premature aging. What many writers seem to forget, however, is that our bodies create and use free radicals to destroy harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi. In fact, the cells responsible for fighting infection and foreign invaders in the body (your white blood cells) make hydrogen peroxide and use it to oxidize any offending culprits. The intense bubbling you see when hydrogen peroxide comes in contact with a bacteria-laden cut or wound is the oxygen being released and bacteria being destroyed. The ability of our cells to produce hydrogen peroxide is essential for life. H202 is not some undesirable by-product or toxin, but instead a basic requirement for good health.

Newer research indicates we need hydrogen peroxide for a multitude of other chemical reactions that take place throughout the body. For example, we now know that vitamin C helps fight infections by producing hydrogen peroxide, which in turn stimulates the production of prostaglandins. Also lactobacillus found in the colon and vagina produce hydrogen peroxide. This destroys harmful bacteria and viruses, preventing colon disease, vaginitis, bladder infections and a host of other common ailments. (Infect Dis News Aug.8,91:5). When lactobacillus in the colon or vaginal tract have been overrun with harmful viruses, yeast, or bacteria, an effective douche or enema solution can be made using 3 tablespoons of 3% H202 in 1 quart of distilled water. Keep in mind, however, that a good bacterial flora must always be re-established in theses areas to achieve lasting results.

Aerobic versus Anerobic

While we are discussing enemas and douches, there is another misconception about H202 I need to address. The friendly bacteria in the colon and vagina are aerobic. In other words, they flourish in high oxygen environments and thrive in the presence of oxygen rich H202. On the other hand, most strains of harmful bacteria (and cancer cells) are anaerobic and cannot survive in the presence of oxygen or H202. We can agree that hydrogen peroxide produced within individual body cells is essential for life. And no one doubts its effectiveness when it comes to treating infections topically. The controversy deals with ingesting the substance orally or introducing it into the body intravenously. The dispute has been going on for decades, and considering the attitude of our medical community, it will continue for many more decades to come.

I'll admit I was skeptical when I first learned about using H202 orally or intravenously. This healthy dose of skepticism, however, lead to a great deal of investigation, clinical work and experimentation. And while I realize a large majority of readers will probably never be convinced that H202 is a safe and effective compound, I am. Hydrogen peroxide is safe, readily available and dirt cheap. And best of all, it works! No one yet fully understands the complete workings of hydrogen peroxide. We do know that it is loaded with oxygen. (A pint of the food-grade 35% solution contains the equivalent of 130 pints of oxygen. A pint of 3% hydrogen peroxide found at the local drugstore contains 10 pints of oxygen. And a pint of the 6% solution used to bleach hair contains 20 pints of oxygen.) We also know that when H202 is taken into the body (orally or intravenously) the oxygen content of the blood and body tissues increases dramatically. Early researchers felt these increases were simply due to the extra oxygen molecule being released. This doesn't however, appear to be the case.

Only very diluted amounts of H202 are ever introduced into the body. The small amount of oxygen present couldn't be solely responsible for the dramatic changes that take place. Dr. Charles Farr, a strong proponent of intravenous use, has discovered another possible answer. Dr. Farr has shown that hydrogen peroxide stimulates enzyme systems throughout the body. This triggers an increase in the metabolic rate, causes small arteries to dilate and increase blood flow, enhances the body's distribution and consumption of oxygen and raises body temperature (Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-Oxidative Medicine 1989, 1990, 1991).

Father Richard Willhelm

We are just beginning to learn exactly how H202 works. It was reported to work as far back as 1920. The English medical journal, Lancet, then reported that intravenous infusion was used successfully to treat pneumonia in the epidemic following World War I. In the 1940's Father Richard Willhelm, the pioneer in promoting peroxide use, reported on the compound being used extensively to treat everything from bacterial-related mental illness to skin disease and polio. Father Willhelm is the founder of "Educational Concern for Hydrogen Peroxide" (ECHO, a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating the public on the safe use and therapeutic benefits of hydrogen peroxide.) Much of the interest in hydrogen peroxide waned in the 1940's when prescription medications came on the scene. Since that time there has been little economic interest in funding peroxide research. After all, it is dirt cheap and non-patentable. Even still, in the last 25 years, over 7,700 articles relating to hydrogen peroxide have been written in the standard medical journals. Thousands more, involving its therapeutic use, have appeared in alternative health publications. The number of conditions helped by hydrogen peroxide is astounding. The reported dangers and side effects are few and often conflicting.


Let's look at several conditions that seem to respond especially well to H202 therapy. First, keep in mind that there are two methods of administering the peroxide-1) orally and 2) intravenously. While most conditions respond remarkably to oral ingestion, emphysema is one condition in which intravenous infusion can be a godsend. Emphysema involves destruction of the alveoli (the small air sacs in the lungs). Although chemical fumes and other irritants can cause the destruction, it is most often the result of smoking. As the disease progresses, the patient finds it more and more difficult to breathe. A wheel chair and supplemental oxygen become necessary as the disease progresses. Lack of adequate oxygen reaching the tissues forces the heart to pump more forcefully. This leads to high blood pressure, enlargement of the heart itself and eventually heart failure. Conventional medicine offers little help for emphysema. There is no cure. The best that can be hoped for is symptomatic relief and the prevention of any serious complications that might result in death. H202 therapy can offer more. Using 1 ounce of 35% peroxide per 1 gallon of non-chlorinated water in a vaporizer improves nighttime breathing tremendously. But intravenous infusion holds the real key to relief. It has the ability to cleanse the inner lining of the lungs and restore the ability to breathe.

We continue to hear the same story from Dr. Farr and others who use intravenous infusion for emphysema and congestive lung problems. Within minutes oxygen from hydrogen peroxide begins to bubble up between the membrane lining the lungs sacs and the accumulated mucus. (Dr. Farr refers to this as the "Alka-Seltzer effect.") The patient begins to cough and expel the material that has accumulated in the lungs. The amount of bubbling, coughing, and cleansing can be regulated by simply turning the H202 on and off. As the peroxide clears the lung surface and destroys the bacterial infections, the patient regains the ability to breath more normally. We continue to receive reports from patients for whom the technique has improved breathing so much that a wheelchair and supplemental oxygen are no longer needed. If you would like to find a doctor in your area trained in the use of intravenous H202 infusion, contact the International Bio-Oxidative Medicine Foundation (IBOM), P.O. Box 13205, Oklahoma City, OK 73113 at (405) 478-4266. They can provide names and addresses of doctors using the procedure in your area.

If emphysema were the only ailment successfully treated with H202 therapy, it would still rank as one of the top health discoveries of all time. Fortunately, H202 works wonders on a multitude of health problems. It does so by increasing tissue oxygen levels. A closer look at how we have decreased the availability of external and internal oxygen, will show you just how important this can be. If you were not too occupied with trying to hide dissection specimens in the other student's desks, you might remember from elementary science courses that our atmosphere contains about 20% oxygen. That is under ideal circumstances. It has recently been reported that in many of our more polluted cities, there levels have dropped to around 10%! (I have already mentioned how less hydrogen peroxide-containing rain is reaching the earth's surface. With increased pollution it is reacting with airborne toxins before it even reaches the ground.) And everyone, by now, knows the oxygen-generating rain forests are being destroyed worldwide, which further reduces available oxygen. Internal oxygen availability is also under attack.

Chlorination of drinking water removes oxygen. Cooking and over-processing of our foods lowers their oxygen content. Unrestrained antibiotic use destroys beneficial oxygen-creating bacteria in the intestinal tract. Dr. Johanna Budwig of Germany has shown that for proper cellular utilization of oxygen to take place, our diets must contain adequate amounts of unsaturated fatty acids. Unfortunately, the oils rich in these fatty acids have become less and less popular with the food industry. Their very nature makes them more biologically active, which requires more careful processing and gives them a shorter shelf-life. Rather than deal with these challenges, the food industry has turned to the use of synthetic fats and dangerous processes like hydrogenation.

It's obvious that our oxygen needs are not being met. Several of the most common ailments now affecting our population are directly related to oxygen starvation. Asthma, emphysema, and lung disease are on the rise, especially in the polluted metropolitan areas. Cases of constipation, diarrhea, intestinal parasites and bowel cancer are all on the upswing. Periodontal disease is endemic in the adult population of this country. Cancer of all forms continues to increase. Immune system disorders are sweeping the globe. Chronic fatigue, "Yuppie Flu" and hundreds of other strange viral diseases have begun to surface. Ironically, many of the new "miracle" drugs and nutritional supplements used to treat these conditions work by increasing cellular oxygen (oftentimes through H202 formation). For example, the miracle nutrient, Coenzyme Q10, helps regulate intercellular oxidation. Organic germanium, which received considerable publicity not too long ago, also increases oxygen levels at the cellular level. And even substances like niacin and vitamin E promote tissue oxidation through their dilation of blood vessels.

Hydrogen peroxide is only one of the many components that help regulate the amount of oxygen getting to your cells. Its presence is vital for many other functions as well. It is required for the production of thyroid hormone and sexual hormones. (Mol Cell Endocrinol 86;46(2): 149-154) (Steroids 82;40(5):5690579). It stimulates the production of interferon (J Immunol 85;134(4):24492455). It dilates blood vessels in the heart and brain (Am J Physiol 86;250 (5 pt 2): H815-821 and (2 pt 2):H157-162). It improves glucose utilization in diabetics (Proceedings of the IBOM Conference 1989, 1990, 1991). The closer you look at hydrogen peroxide, the less surprising it becomes that it can help such a wide variety of conditions.

The following is only a partial listing of conditions in which H202 therapy has been used successfully. (Many of these conditions are serious, if not life-threatening. As always, I would highly recommend seeking the advice and guidance of a doctor experienced in the use of these techniques.)

Allergies Headaches
Altitude Sickness Herpes Simplex
Alzheimer's Herpes Zoster
Anemia HIV Infection
Arrhythmia Influenza
Asthma Insect Bites
Bacterial Infections Liver Cirrhosis
Bronchitis Lupus Erythematosis
Cancer Multiple Sclerosis
Candida Parasitic Infections
Cardiovascular Disease Parkinsonism
Cerebral Vascular Disease Periodontal Disease
Chronic Pain Prostatitis
Diabetes Type 11 Rheumatoid Arthritis
Diabetic Gangrene Shingles
Diabetic Retinopahty Sinusitis
Digestion Problems Sore Throat
Epstein-Barr Infection Ulcers
Emphysema Viral Infections
Food Allergies Warts
Fungal Infections Yeast Infections

Grades of Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is available in various strengths and grades.

A) 3.5% Pharmaceutical Grade: This is the grade sold at your local drugstore or supermarket. This product is not recommended for internal use. It contains an assortment of stabilizers which shouldn't be ingested. Various stabilizers include: acetanilide, phenol, sodium stanate and tertrasodium phosphate.

B) 6% Beautician Grade: This is used in beauty shops to color hair and is not recommended for internal use.

C) 30% Reagent Grade: This is used for various scientific experimentation and also contains stabilizers. It is also not for internal use.

D) 30% to 32% Electronic Grade: This is used to clean electronic parts and not for internal use.

E) 35% Technical Grade: This is a more concentrated product than the Reagent Grade and differs slightly in that phosphorus is added to help neutralize any chlorine from the water used to dilute it.

F) 35% Food Grade: This is used in the production of foods like cheese, eggs, and whey-containing products. It is also sprayed on the foil lining of aseptic packages containing fruit juices and milk products. THIS IS THE ONLY GRADE RECOMMENDED FOR INTERNAL USE. It is available in pints, quarts, gallons or even drums. Various suppliers are mentioned later in this article.

G) 90%: This is used as an oxygen source for rocket fuel.

Only 35% Food Grade hydrogen peroxide is recommended for internal use. At this concentration, however, hydrogen peroxide is a very strong oxidizer and if not diluted, it can be extremely dangerous or even fatal. Any concentrations over 10% can cause neurological reactions and damage to the upper gastrointestinal tract. There have been two known fatalities in children who ingested 27% and 40% concentrations of H202. Recently, a 26 month old female swallowed one mouthful of 35% H202. She immediately began vomiting, followed by fainting and respiratory arrest. Fortunately, she was under emergency room care and although she experienced erosion and bleeding of the stomach and esophagus, she survived the incident. When she was re-examined 12 days later, the areas involved had healed (J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 90;28(1):95-100).

35% Food Grade H202 must be

1) handled carefully (direct contact will burn the skin--immediate flushing with water is recommended).

2) diluted properly before use. 3) stored safely and properly (after making a dilution the remainder should be stored tightly sealed in the freezer).

One of the most convenient methods of dispensing 35% H202 is from a small glass eye dropper bottle. These can be purchased at your local drugstore. Fill this with the 35% H202 and store the larger container in the freezer compartment of your refrigerator until more is needed. Store the eye dropper bottle in the refrigerator. The generally recommended dosage is outlined in the chart below. The drops are mixed with either 6 to 8 ounces of distilled water, juice, milk or even aloe vera juice or gel. (Don't use chlorinated tap water to dilute the peroxide!)

Suggested Protocol
The program outlined is only a suggestion, but it is based on years of experience, and reports from thousands of users. Those who choose to go at a slower pace can expect to progress more slowly, but that certainly is an option. The program is not carved in stone and keep in mind that it can be adapted to fit individual needs. Individuals who have had transplants should not undertake an H202 program. H202 stimulates the immune system and could possibly cause a rejection of the organ.

Ziua - Numar de picaturi/ De cate ori pe zi

1 - 3 / 3
2 - 4 / 3
3 - 5 / 3
4 - 6 / 3
5 - 7 / 3
6 - 8 / 3
7 - 9 / 3
8 - 10 / 3
9 - 12 / 3
10 - 14 / 3
11 - 16 / 3
12 - 18 / 3
13 - 20 / 3
14 - 22 / 3
15 - 24 / 3
16 - 25 / 3

Maintenance Dosage

In most situations after the above 21 day program, the amount of H202 can be tapered off gradually as follows:
25 drops once every other day for 1 week
25 drops once every third day for 2 weeks
25 drops once every fourth day for 3 weeks

This can then be reduced to between 5 and 15 drops per week based on how one feels. Those with more serious problems will often benefit from staying on 25 drops three times a day for one to three weeks, then tapering down to 25 drops two times daily until the problem is resolved (possibly as long as six months). Those with chronic systemic Candidiasis may need to start with 1 drop three times a day, then 2 drops three times a day before starting the above schedule. It is important that H202 be taken on an empty stomach. This is best accomplished by taking it either one hour before meals or three hours after meals. If there is food in the stomach, the reaction of H202 on any bacteria present may cause excess foaming, indigestion, and possibly even vomiting. Additionally, some animal research indicates that when H202 given orally combines with iron and small amounts of vitamin C in the stomach, hydroxyl radicals are created (J Inorg Biochem 89;35(1):55-69). The bleach-like aftertaste of H202 can be lessened by chewing one of the sugar-free cinnamon gums. Some individuals taking H202 immediately before bedtime have a difficult time getting to sleep. This is probably due to a sense of alertness triggered by an increase of oxygen at the cellular level. The oral dosage schedule is basically the same for all conditions. There are several points to keep in mind, however.

Some individuals may experience upset stomach. If this occurs it is recommended that one not stop the program, but rather remain at the current dosage level or reduce it to the previous level until the problem stops. (Some patients have been able to solve the nausea problem by taking three or four lecithin capsules at the same time they take the H202.) During the program it's not uncommon to experience what is known as a healing crisis. As dead bacteria and toxins are released from your body it may temporarily exceed your capacity to eliminate them quickly enough. In some individuals this overload may cause fatigue, diarrhea, headaches, skin eruptions, cold or flu-like symptoms, and/or nausea. One should not discontinue using the peroxide to stop this cleansing. By continuing the program, toxins will clear the body sooner and this healing crisis will pass rather quickly.

If you are not already taking vitamin E and an acidophilus product, I recommend starting them before going on H202. Vitamin E can make more efficient use of any oxygen available and acidophilus will help re-establish the beneficial bacterial flora in the lower bowel and also help in the internal production of hydrogen peroxide.

Making and Using 3% Solutions of H202

A 3.5% solution can be made quite easily by first pouring 1 ounce of 35% H202 into a pint jar. To this add 11 ounces of distilled water. This will make 12 ounces of 3.5% H202. 3.5% H202 has a variety of medicinal uses.

1. Three tablespoons mixed with a quart of non-chlorinated water makes a good enema or douche formula.
2. It can be used full strength as a mouthwash or mixed with baking soda for toothpaste.
3. It can be used full strength as a foot bath for athlete's foot. (Diabetics have found relief from circulation problems by soaking their feet in 1 pint of 3% peroxide mixed with 1 gallon of warm, non-chlorinated water for 30 minutes nightly.)
4. A tablespoon added to 1 cup of non-chlorinated water can be used as a nasal spray. Depending on the degree of sinus involvement, one will have to adjust the amount of peroxide used. I have seen some who can use it at the full 3% strength and others who had difficulty with using a few drops and mixed with a cup of water.
5. 3.5% H202 can be added to pets drinking water at the rate of 1 ounce per quart of non-chlorinated water. Sick cattle reportedly benefit from 1 pint (of 3%) to each 5 gallons of water. (Chickens and cows have remained healthy by using 8 ounces of 35% H202 per 1,000 gallons of drinking water.)

Additional Information

There are two sources you should contact if you have an interest in using hydrogen peroxide therapy. The first, ECHO, was founded by Father Richard Willhelm and is run by Walter Grotz. Their information packet includes a sample newsletter, a list of H202 distributors and several other items. The packet is being made available to interested ALTERNATIVES readers for only $3. Their address is

ECHO Box 126
Delano, MN 55328

If you have an interest in contacting doctors who provide intravenous hydrogen peroxide therapy you can write to the International Bio-Oxidative Medicine Foundation (IBOM) at the address listed earlier in this article. You should also be aware that there are now numerous hydrogen peroxide products on the market. Some are simply peroxide that has been flavored and mixed with sea minerals, aloe vera, inner tree bark or other ingredients to make the peroxide more palatable (Superoxy, Oxy Toddy, etc.).

Others claim to have developed products that deliver more oxygen than does simple hydrogen peroxide (Aerox, Anti-Oxid-10, Di-Oxychloride, Aerobic 07, Aqua Pure, etc.). Basically you'll end up paying a small fortune and at best achieving the same results you can get for pennies by using hydrogen peroxide.


Hydrogen peroxide is one of the few simple miracle substances still available to the public. Its safety and multiple uses ranks it right up there with DMSO.

If you've never used either of these compounds you are overlooking two of the most powerful healing tools ever discovered. Most of us started on hydrogen peroxide shortly after birth. Not only does mother's milk contain high amounts of H202, the amount contained in the first milk (colostrum) is even higher. This seems only reasonable now that we know one of its main functions is to activate and stimulate the immune system. Although I am a strong supporter of H202 therapy, I am not suggesting that everyone needs to be using it. There are probably some individuals whose health and well-being would not be enhanced with hydrogen peroxide. But there are also millions of others who are suffering needlessly because they either do not know about hydrogen peroxide or they have been misinformed about its use.

~ Afterword ~
The above copyrighted article has been reprinted with permission from Mountain House Publishing, P.O. Box 829, Ingram, TX 78025. It appeared in a recent issue of the health newsletter, ALTERNATIVES ($39.00/yr. 12 issues). Subscription information and/or a sample issue can be obtained by writing to the above address.

Source: Family Health News


Alternatives in Cancer Therapy - Hydrogen Peroxide ... erpt.shtml

Hydrogen Peroxide v. Prostate Cancer by Bill Munro (Oct. 14, 2005) ... ct05.shtml

Hydrogen Peroxide Nasal Sprayer & Garden Applications by Bill Munro (Feb. 7, 2005) ... eb05.shtml

Hydrogen Peroxide by Walter Grotz ... ov04.shtml

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Membru din: Mar, Iul 12 2005 1:38 am

Mesajde mszavai » Mie, Ian 18 2023 8:13 am

Lampa cu Ultraviolete UV-B (311nm)

Mod de utilizare

Lampile DermaHealer (firma americana)

Lampa Dermalight 80 (firma germana)

Mod de utilizare (recomandat pentru eczeme, Psoriasis, Vitiligo):

Pentru un tratament eficient se incepe cu o perioada de expunere foarte scurta de maxim 30 secunde pe zona afectata, timp de 7 zile, apoi, in functie de rezultate, se creste treptat timpul de expunere pana la 60 secunde pe zona afectata. Tratamentul zilnic, cu expuneri de scurta durata, ofera cele mai bune rezultate.

Tratamentul nu trebuie sa depaseasca mai mult de doua saptamani de tratament zilnic, dupa care se face pauza o saptamana si apoi se reia ciclul.

Odata ce afectiunea se amelioreaza considerabil si pielea se repigmenteaza, tratamentul de intretinere este de o sedinta pe saptamana. La peste 90% din persoanele ce au urmat acest tratament pielea s-a repigmentat in decurs de un an.

Foarte important de mentionat este faptul ca aceste lampi folosesc tuburi fluorescente cu frecventa de 311 nm si nu LED-uri. Este cunoscut faptul ca, dintre toate luminile artificiale folosite in prezent, lumina de tip LED este cea mai detrimentala sanatatii!


Lampa cu Ultraviolete UV-B (311nm) emite o lumina bleu-violet si a fost creata pe baza luminii ultraviolete emise de Soare, care se stie ca este deosebit de benefica.

Zorii si amurgul reprezinta - Echinoctiile Zilei -
momentul cand cele 2 Elemente FOCUL si APA sunt in perfect echilibru

Organismul (uman, animal) poate beneficia de fototerapia cu Ultraviolete UV-B (311nm), atata timp cat expunerea este moderata si corecta si se ia in considerare varsta, greutatea corporala si tipul de afectiune.

Recomand ca sedinta initiala sa fie de 20 secunde, pentru a va putea familiariza cu intensitatea si cu modul cum va afecteaza aceasta lumina. Apoi sa cresteti la 30 secunde pe zona afectata, iar sedinta de tratament (per total) sa nu depaseasca 2 - 4 minute. De asemenea recomand ca dupa sedinta de tratament sa se faca cateva zile de pauza.

Lumina de tip UV-B este deosebit de eficienta la tratarea bolilor de piele.

Pentru alte afectiuni recomand ca tratamentul sa nu depaseasca mai mult de o luna, avand in vedere ca si aceasta lumina este artificiala si este o forma de radiatie!

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Membru din: Mar, Iul 12 2005 1:38 am

Mesajde mszavai » Dum, Ian 22 2023 5:33 am

Vindecarea cu raze de tip UV-B

Absolut tot ce ne inconjoara reprezinta forma de manifestare a unei Fiinte si este deci, LUMINA. Indiferent de ceea ce consumam, Corpul Uman (prin diversele procese de descompunere si absorbtie) asimileaza doar LUMINA - numita in mod evaziv 'energie'!

Existam dincolo de Tehnologie, iar toate tehnologiile introduse au fost special create sa blocheze Evolutia Tranformatoare Super-Accelerata a Fiintei Umane - OMUL FIIND FORMA CEA MAI COMPLEXA DE MANIFESTARE LA NIVEL UNIVERSAL.

PULSUL haotic introdus in mod sistematic in Biologia Umana interfereaza cu Procesele Armonioase Multi-Dimensionale de care este capabil Corpul Uman, rezultatul fiind degenerarea organismului - 'boala' si incheierea brutala a formei de manifestare - 'moartea'.

Procesul de transformare a Realitatii Noastre se caracterizeaza prin Accelerarea Vibratiei (frecvente din ce in ce mai scurte si rapide), nu 'ascensionare'!

In urma terapiei cu UV-B, frecventa (vibratia) corpului se accelereaza. Ca efect, corpul isi reduce atacul asupra energiilor parazit, simptomele - in cazul afectiunilor de piele - devenind vizibil atenuate. Urmand un tratament sustinut, 'boala' (vibratia haotica; frecventa lunga si inceata) nu mai poate co-exista in acelasi mediu (spectru de frecventa) si ca urmare se dezintegreaza!

Prin comparatie, 'medicina moderna' se bazeaza pe alterarea compozitiei chimice a Sangelui (expresia manifestata a Spiritului), in scopul deconectarii Fiintelor de la Realitatea Naturala a Mamei Pamant si a Tatalui Soare!

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Membru din: Mar, Iul 12 2005 1:38 am

Mesajde mszavai » Lun, Noi 20 2023 7:46 am



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